FirstNet Exchange can help you qualify for meaningful use incentive funds.

With no cost and no obligation.

Why is meaningful use important to you?

Eligible healthcare professionals can qualify for very significant Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments when they adopt certified EHR technology and use it to achieve specified objectives, as part of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.

Under Medicare, eligible professionals who meet the eligibility requirements and meaningful use certified EHR technology can receive incentives of up to a maximum of $44,000 over five years if done by 2012. The incentive amount will decrease gradually after 2012 as shown by the following chart:

Under Medicaid, eligible professionals who meet the eligibility requirements and adopt, implement, upgrade or meaningful use certified EHR technology can receive incentives of up to a maximum of $63,750 over six years if done before the end of 2016.

So meeting and demonstrating meaningful use is a great way for healthcare organizations to improve their access to healthcare information through technology. But the government incentive funds are available for a limited time. Also, organizations not demonstrating meaningful use will be penalized with lessening reimbursements in the future.

Therefore, it’s very important to act now and begin the process of accessing and sharing healthcare information.

How can FirstNet Exchange help you meet these requirements?

If you currently have a certified EHR in place, FirstNet Exchange can help you meet Stage 1 Core Measure 14 of the meaningful use requirements at no charge. Measure 14 is the ability to electronically exchange key clinical information among providers of care and patient-authorized entities, which relates to connectivity with a certified health information exchange.

To meet this measure, the provider must be able to perform at least one test of its certified EHR technology’s capacity to electronically exchange key clinical information using a health information exchange.

Meeting this requirement is simple and easy with our help. We are offering this at no cost or obligation; we simply want to help you.

Call us to learn more: 1-800-328-1638 or 903-531-8052

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